Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Local Le Leche League Meeting Information

LLL Evening Meeting # 3

Come join us for the Rochester Area Evening La Leche League Meeting

Series Topic focus: The Art of Breastfeeding and Avoiding Difficulties

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Zumbro Lutheran Church
624 3rd Ave. SW, Rochester

Directions from Broadway: Turn West on 6th St. SW, go past the church
and turn left on 3rd Ave. SW. Parking is available in the front
lot. Enter through doors on the far left. Follow the steps down to the

In the event of INCLEMENT WEATHER, we ask that you follow the
information regarding the Rochester Public school cancellations found
via TV stations, radio or internet. If school is canceled or
dismissed early due to weather, the LLL meeting will be canceled. If
weather moves in after school hours, feel free to listen to the
recorded church announcements at 507-288-2649. If evening church
activities are canceled, LLL meetings are canceled as well.

Meetings are open to all women interested in breastfeeding.
Babies are always welcome!

Local Leaders

Amanda 398-2688
Aimee 536-3937
Kate 288-6617

Visit La Leche League International on the web.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

3 Principles in Pregnancy

Excerpt from the article:

"Using the 3 Principles of Spinning Babies in Pregnancy

Spinning Babies helps prevent common problems from subtle malpositions of the baby's head.

Malposition is a harsh word meaning the head is not coming into the pelvis is the easiest way to mold, or shape, itself to fit. When the head is at a difficult angle, especially when mother’s muscles or pelvic tendons are tight, hours or even days can be added to the length of labor."

101 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Child

Gotta love this one! Lots of good medical citation as well. :-)

Avoiding the first c-section: 5 essential questions to ask your care provider ASAP!

Excerpt from the article:

"It is critical that we look at what can be done to decrease the primary c-section rate (the first cesarean for a woman), because once the first c-section is done, it becomes increasingly difficult for many women to find support for a subsequent vaginal birth."

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Home Birth: “Brave” Has Nothing To Do With It

The writer of this article is very strongly supportive of the safety of home birth, as am I. However please do not let her enthusiasm offend you if you have had a hospital birth or are currently planning one. The biggest thing I want you to take note of is the scientific evidence that she cites in the body of the article.

911 on the risks of formula feeding-and a 411 on the benefits of breast milk

Good stuff! Gotta love Gail Tully's passion and gunction. :-)

Breastfeeding In Public: Are YOU protected?

A state by state map showing the type of breastfeeding laws present in each state. Here is a thorough explanation of the details of the enforcement provisions or the lack thereof.

Sterile Water Injections for Pain Relief

Excerpt from the article:

“In three systematic reviews, the authors concluded that sterile water injections were more effective for labor pain than acupuncture and other complementary methods, such as acupressure, hypnosis and massage” (Martensson, McSwiggin, & Mercer, 2008).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Problems and Hazards of Induction of Labor

Tons of wonderful evidence based information on the risks of induction itself and the drugs used for the induction procedure.