Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Personal Teaching Statistics

Total Births: 17
Avg. Weeks Gest. 0
Number Percent
Spontaneous: 16 94.12%
Augmented: 0 0.00%
Induced 1 5.88%
Doctor 952.94%
LayMidwife 529.41%
LicMidwife 317.65%
None: 14 82.35%
For Labor: 1 5.88%
For Delivery: 2 11.76%
For Repair: 0 0.00%

New Baby!!!

Congratulations to couple #17 on the birth of their baby girl!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Class Starting

My next Bradley Method® series starts on November 4th from 7-9 pm and is good for late February - March due dates. Only 2 spots left!!! Check here for schedule and availability.

12 classes done!!!

Congratulations to all 3 couples of class #10 on either having your babies or finishing the series!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Saftey Recall

Click on the title above to view models affected by this recall.


2010 Quattro Tour™ and MetroLite™ Stroller Recall

Potential Problem:

Entrapment and strangulation can occur, especially to infants younger than 12 months of age, when a child is not harnessed. An infant can pass through the opening between the stroller tray and seat bottom, but his/her head and neck can become entrapped by the tray. Infants who become entrapped at the neck are at risk of strangulation.

Munchausen’s Obstetrics

To read the full 5 page article click on the title above

Lots of good information and citations contained in this one.

"The huge dinosaur of American obstetrics is creating generation after generation of unconsciously traumatized and often subtly brain-damaged people, people whose lives are often subsequently burdened with criminal behavior, learning difficulties, ADHD, addiction, depression and other mental illnesses and symptoms of brain damage. These iatrogenic outcomes are entirely preventable, in fact in most cases can be avoided at less cost than the procedures which cause them. The question of whose interests are served by making birth needlessly difficult I'll leave to your imagination.

The American way of birth (unfortunately spreading worldwide) has now been linked to large increases in rates of mental ailments including depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse and dependencies by at least 2 large well controlled studies, which both studiously avoided the most obvious conclusion. 9_19_98/fob1.htm MGM/birthUSA2.txt

Post traumatic stress reactions have been noted in American infants returning to hospitals, again while neglecting the obvious possibility that they were remembering birth trauma."/93/512690.html

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sesame Street Explains Breastfeeding

New Baby!!!

Congratulations to couple #16 on the birth of your baby girl this morning!!! I can''t wait to meet her.

Monday, October 18, 2010

I Was Pregnant For 10 Months

To read the full article click on the title above.

"As US midwife Gail Hart points out, the most-cited statistic about post-dates babies (that their risk of stillbirth "doubles after 42 weeks") comes from a 1958 study – a time when mortality rates were 10 times what they are now. Also, as Hart argues, induction is hardly risk-free: it carries higher rates of caesarean section, uterine rupture, foetal distress and maternal haemorrhage."

"As a midwife you know if a baby is truly post-mature by the state of the skin. It's drier and flakier. They look like someone who has been in the water too long." But according to one American study [cited by Gail Hart in Midwifery Today], more than 90% of supposedly "late" babies born at 43 weeks in fact show no signs of post-maturity."

"To most hospitals, Gaskin adds, a lack of symptoms – and the patient's history – is irrelevant: "This habit of making absolute rules that are applied to cases that used to be open to individual treatment has contributed to the dumbing down of maternity care."

This is true in the UK too. I couldn't understand why my doctor was not interested in all the heart monitoring (every two days after 42 weeks) – and all perfect – or in the ultrasound scan. Nor was there any interest in my birth history (two late babies and fast births, which I thought made me a poor candidate for induction). All that mattered were the statistics – from 1958."

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Pregnant Patient's Bill Of Rights

Click on the title above to read the full article.

"American parents are becoming increasingly aware that well-intentioned health professionals do not always have scientific data to support common American obstetrical practices, and that many of these practices are carried out primarily because they are part of medical and hospital tradition."

""In the last forty years many artificial practices have been introduced which have changed childbirth from a physiological event to a very complicated medical procedure in which all kinds of drugs are used and procedures carried out, sometimes unnecessarily, and many of them potentially damaging for the baby and even for the mother"."

"It is the obstetric patient and her baby, not the health professional, who must sustain any trauma or injury resulting from the use of a drug or obstetric procedure. The observation of the rights listed above will not only permit the obstetric patient to participate in the decisions involving her and her baby's health care, but will help to protect the health professional and the hospital against litigation arising from resentment or misunderstanding on the part of the mother"

Le Leche Leauge Meeting

LLL Evening Series Meeting #1

Come join us for the Rochester Area Evening La Leche League Meeting,

Series Topic focus: Advantages of Breastfeeding
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Zumbro Lutheran Church
624 3rd Ave. SW, Rochester

Directions from Broadway: Parking is available in the front
lot--follow the steps down to the nursery. Or ramp access is
available behind the church from the Soldiers Field Memorial lot and
on 7th St. SW. One of the front doors will be open. Follow signs to meeting room.

Meetings are open to all women interested in breastfeeding.
Babies are always welcome!

Local Leaders

Amanda 398-2688
Aimee 536-3937

Visit La Leche League International on the web.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

2010 Bradley Mom Testimonial

"My original reason to wanting a medication free childbirth was to avoid an epidural which can lead to chronic back pain. Already suffering from chronic back pain I didn't want anything to make it worse. Taking Bradley Method classes opened my eyes to so many other reasons to go through with a natural childbirth. The classes not only gave me information to strengthen my desire for not using medication but they gave me the tools necessary to do so successfully. Thanks to these classes I was able to bring my baby boy into the world the way God intended. I was able to give him the best start possible."

2010 Bradley Dad Testimonial

"I was very comfortable helping my wife labor at home & knowing when to go to the hospital because of what we learned in Bradley classes. Most of our friends warned us (before the birth) that we wouldn't be able to get through labor & birth without medical interventions (drugs or surgery). We did it though, and will encourage others to do the same!"

2010 Bradley Mom Testimonial

" The information & encouragement we gained from our Bradley classes enabled us to have the ideal drug-free birth we wanted in a hospital setting. Our Doctor was surprised at how much we knew about the natural birth process. We were able to labor at home & arrived at the hospital just in time to start pushing. It was exactly what we wanted."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

♥ HAPPY NATIONAL MIDWIVES WEEK!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ If you know a midwife that has touched your life...if you believe that the safe, cost-effective, loving and nurturing care midwives provide is essential for improving health in this country and around the world, please make this your status and hug your midwife!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oxytocin: It's a Mom & Pop Thing

"Corresponding author Dr. Ruth Feldman noted that this finding "emphasizes the importance of providing opportunities for father-infant interactions immediately after childbirth in order to trigger the neuro-hormonal system that underlies bond formation in humans."