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2010 Quattro Tour™ and MetroLite™ Stroller Recall
Potential Problem:
Information about The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth classes being offered in the Rochester and SE MN area as well as pictures, stories, articles and links about pregnancy, labor, birth and everything in between.
Total Births: 17 | ||
Avg. Weeks Gest. 0 | ||
Number | Percent | |
Labor: | ||
Spontaneous: | 16 | 94.12% |
Augmented: | 0 | 0.00% |
Induced | 1 | 5.88% |
Attendant: | ||
Doctor | 9 | 52.94% |
LayMidwife | 5 | 29.41% |
LicMidwife | 3 | 17.65% |
Location: | ||
Home | 6 | 35.29% |
Hospital | 11 | 64.71% |
Delivery: | ||
Cesarean | 2 | 11.76% |
Vaginal | 15 | 88.24% |
Drugs: | ||
None: | 14 | 82.35% |
For Labor: | 1 | 5.88% |
For Delivery: | 2 | 11.76% |
For Repair: | 0 | 0.00% |
Potential Problem:
"To most hospitals, Gaskin adds, a lack of symptoms – and the patient's history – is irrelevant: "This habit of making absolute rules that are applied to cases that used to be open to individual treatment has contributed to the dumbing down of maternity care."
This is true in the UK too. I couldn't understand why my doctor was not interested in all the heart monitoring (every two days after 42 weeks) – and all perfect – or in the ultrasound scan. Nor was there any interest in my birth history (two late babies and fast births, which I thought made me a poor candidate for induction). All that mattered were the statistics – from 1958."