Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Is my sling safe? -or- Not all slings are created equal!

Excerpt from the article;

"What makes a safe sling? Any sling should hold your baby the way you would hold him in your arms (back carries excepted, and even those can be done in arms if you're flexible enough). So for example, a ring sling is typically used with the baby in a vertical position against your chest, just like you'd hold him in your arms, or with the baby at a diagonal angle across your body, as you would hold him while breastfeeding or reclining. The same positions are preferred in a wrap, pouch sling, or mei tai. You should always be able to see your baby's head and face, without opening the fabric to do so, and he should always be able to breathe freely and easily, with his neck straight and his head in a neutral position (not curled forward onto his chest). Again, these positions, while they may take practice, are possible with every safe baby carrier."

Women have been wearing their babies since the beginning of time. I wore both my babies, perfectly safely I might add, for the comfort to them and convenience for me factor and there is absolutely no reason why anyone cannot or should not wear their baby as long as they are using the right type of carrier and using it the right way.

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