Monday, December 20, 2010

Le Leche Leauge Meeting

LLL Evening Series Meeting #3

We will have a shorter meeting time and a Holiday Tea. Tea will be provided; please consider bringing a snack/treat to share.

Come join us for the Rochester Area Evening La Leche League Meeting,

Series Topic focus: Avoiding Difficulties
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Zumbro Lutheran Church
624 3rd Ave. SW, Rochester

Directions from Broadway: Parking is available in the front
lot--follow the steps down to the nursery. Or ramp access is
available behind the church from the Soldiers Field Memorial lot and
on 7th St. SW. One of the front doors will be open. Follow signs to meeting

If meeting is canceled we will send a message via this Yahoo! Group.

Meetings are open to all women interested in breastfeeding.
Babies are always welcome!

Local Leaders

Amanda 398-2688
Aimee 536-3937

Visit La Leche League International on the web.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

It's a GIRL!!!

This precious little girl was born in August of 2010 and her birth was especially special to me as a teacher because her father was the brother of a couple who had taken classes with me back in 2009 and it was partly because of the brotherly encouragement that this family decided to take the classes as well. Here is Moms testimony and here is Dads.

2010 Bradley Dad Testimonial

Coming from a "natural" background and being born at home myself, I thought I knew almost everything there is to know about natural childbirth - I was wrong. These classes are absolutely necessary for anybody looking to have a natural birth experience.

Here is this Dads little angel.

Click here to read more testimonials.

2010 Bradley Mom Testimonial

We thought we we "prepared" for a natural childbirth because we were planning a home birth and drugs wouldn't be available. But with prompting from our midwife we took the classes and are so glad we did. They helped us have not just a natural delivery but a joyful birth of our daughter. It was great! Our midwife couldn't believe it was our first baby!

Click here to read more testimonials.

There have been a total of 14 babies born to A Better Beginning families during 2010 and I could NOT be prouder of all those awesome families that I have had the privilege of getting to know and sharing a very small part of their wonderful births!!!

Congratulations to couple #18 on the birth of your baby girl this morning. I am so proud of all 3 of you. :-)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

2010 Bradley Mom Testimonial

"Knowledge really is power. The Bradley Method® classes gave me the confidence to achieve the natural birth experience that I desired. I felt prepared to not only handle, but embrace the expected and unexpected of natural childbirth. I believe it was that preparation that dissolved my fears surrounding pregnancy and delivery, allowing me to truly surrender to and be present in the process."

Mom defies doctor, has baby her way

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Don't Ask, Just Do It

"What if we simply stopped asking permission? What if we simply did what we wanted to? What if the mantra of laboring women became "don't ask, just do"?"

Childbirth Class the Second Time Around

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Clearance Nursingwear

Le Leche Leauge Meeting

LLL Evening Series Meeting #2

Come join us for the Rochester Area Evening La Leche League Meeting,

Series Topic focus: Baby Arrives- The Family and the Breastfed Baby
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Zumbro Lutheran Church
624 3rd Ave. SW, Rochester

Directions from Broadway: Parking is available in the front
lot--follow the steps down to the nursery. Or ramp access is
available behind the church from the Soldiers Field Memorial lot and
on 7th St. SW. One of the front doors will be open. Follow signs to meeting

If meeting is canceled we will send a message via this Yahoo! Group.

Meetings are open to all women interested in breastfeeding.
Babies are always welcome!

Local Leaders

Amanda 398-2688
Aimee 536-3937

Visit La Leche League International on the web.

Happy Bradley® Birthday!!!

Happy 2nd birthday to my very first Bradley® baby!!! All my love little miss E.B.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Class #1 Sample - Exercise

Pregnancy Exercises

  • Specifically designed to tone and condition the muscles you will use to give birth and can aid in minimizing many pregnancy discomforts.

Tailor Sitting

  • 3 benefits
  • 3 ways the coach can help


  • 4 benefits
  • 2 ways the coach can help

Pelvic Rocking

  • 5 benefits
  • 3 ways the coach can help


  • 2 benefits
  • 3 ways the coach can help


  • 1 benefit
  • Poor tone may cause 7 problems
  • 2 ways the coach can help

Side Relaxation & Sleep Position

  • 3 benefits
  • 3 ways the coach can help

Class #2 Sample - Nutrition

The placenta allows the circulations of mother and baby to meet intimately, but never mix.

Inside the placenta the baby's capillaries are continually bathed in a "lake" of the mother's blood.

When necessary nutrients are at a higher level in the mother's blood than in the baby's, they diffuse through the one-cell thickness of the baby's capillaries.

If nutrient levels are not high enough in the mother’s blood stream then the baby does not receive what it needs and this will cause growth and development problems.

Likewise, when waste products reach a higher level in the baby's circulation, they diffuse back through the capillary network into the maternal circulation and are eventually cleansed from the bloodstream by her liver and excreted by her kidneys.

The process of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange works the same way.

Keeping placental function up throughout pregnancy is one of the most important tasks the mother's body must accomplish.

Operation Special Delivery

Such a fantastic organization offering labor support to those families who have given up so much, sometimes everything, for our freedom. Thank you SO much to all our veterans, past and present. We can never express the depth of our gratitude for your service.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Day 14 Myth

Very interesting information. Even the "best" tests are no match for a woman's awareness of her own body.

To read the full article, click on the title link above.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Eight Reasons Our C-section Rate Is Too High

Dr. Priver states that over his 36 years of practice, his c-section rate never exceeded 10%. He modestly describes himself as having “no extraordinary wisdom, skills or dexterity” but offers points that he believes, if taken into consideration by OBs, could successfully decrease the c-section rate.

Read the entire article by clicking on the title link above.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Personal Teaching Statistics

Total Births: 17
Avg. Weeks Gest. 0
Number Percent
Spontaneous: 16 94.12%
Augmented: 0 0.00%
Induced 1 5.88%
Doctor 952.94%
LayMidwife 529.41%
LicMidwife 317.65%
None: 14 82.35%
For Labor: 1 5.88%
For Delivery: 2 11.76%
For Repair: 0 0.00%

New Baby!!!

Congratulations to couple #17 on the birth of their baby girl!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Class Starting

My next Bradley Method® series starts on November 4th from 7-9 pm and is good for late February - March due dates. Only 2 spots left!!! Check here for schedule and availability.

12 classes done!!!

Congratulations to all 3 couples of class #10 on either having your babies or finishing the series!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Saftey Recall

Click on the title above to view models affected by this recall.


2010 Quattro Tour™ and MetroLite™ Stroller Recall

Potential Problem:

Entrapment and strangulation can occur, especially to infants younger than 12 months of age, when a child is not harnessed. An infant can pass through the opening between the stroller tray and seat bottom, but his/her head and neck can become entrapped by the tray. Infants who become entrapped at the neck are at risk of strangulation.

Munchausen’s Obstetrics

To read the full 5 page article click on the title above

Lots of good information and citations contained in this one.

"The huge dinosaur of American obstetrics is creating generation after generation of unconsciously traumatized and often subtly brain-damaged people, people whose lives are often subsequently burdened with criminal behavior, learning difficulties, ADHD, addiction, depression and other mental illnesses and symptoms of brain damage. These iatrogenic outcomes are entirely preventable, in fact in most cases can be avoided at less cost than the procedures which cause them. The question of whose interests are served by making birth needlessly difficult I'll leave to your imagination.

The American way of birth (unfortunately spreading worldwide) has now been linked to large increases in rates of mental ailments including depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse and dependencies by at least 2 large well controlled studies, which both studiously avoided the most obvious conclusion. 9_19_98/fob1.htm MGM/birthUSA2.txt

Post traumatic stress reactions have been noted in American infants returning to hospitals, again while neglecting the obvious possibility that they were remembering birth trauma."/93/512690.html

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sesame Street Explains Breastfeeding

New Baby!!!

Congratulations to couple #16 on the birth of your baby girl this morning!!! I can''t wait to meet her.

Monday, October 18, 2010

I Was Pregnant For 10 Months

To read the full article click on the title above.

"As US midwife Gail Hart points out, the most-cited statistic about post-dates babies (that their risk of stillbirth "doubles after 42 weeks") comes from a 1958 study – a time when mortality rates were 10 times what they are now. Also, as Hart argues, induction is hardly risk-free: it carries higher rates of caesarean section, uterine rupture, foetal distress and maternal haemorrhage."

"As a midwife you know if a baby is truly post-mature by the state of the skin. It's drier and flakier. They look like someone who has been in the water too long." But according to one American study [cited by Gail Hart in Midwifery Today], more than 90% of supposedly "late" babies born at 43 weeks in fact show no signs of post-maturity."

"To most hospitals, Gaskin adds, a lack of symptoms – and the patient's history – is irrelevant: "This habit of making absolute rules that are applied to cases that used to be open to individual treatment has contributed to the dumbing down of maternity care."

This is true in the UK too. I couldn't understand why my doctor was not interested in all the heart monitoring (every two days after 42 weeks) – and all perfect – or in the ultrasound scan. Nor was there any interest in my birth history (two late babies and fast births, which I thought made me a poor candidate for induction). All that mattered were the statistics – from 1958."

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Pregnant Patient's Bill Of Rights

Click on the title above to read the full article.

"American parents are becoming increasingly aware that well-intentioned health professionals do not always have scientific data to support common American obstetrical practices, and that many of these practices are carried out primarily because they are part of medical and hospital tradition."

""In the last forty years many artificial practices have been introduced which have changed childbirth from a physiological event to a very complicated medical procedure in which all kinds of drugs are used and procedures carried out, sometimes unnecessarily, and many of them potentially damaging for the baby and even for the mother"."

"It is the obstetric patient and her baby, not the health professional, who must sustain any trauma or injury resulting from the use of a drug or obstetric procedure. The observation of the rights listed above will not only permit the obstetric patient to participate in the decisions involving her and her baby's health care, but will help to protect the health professional and the hospital against litigation arising from resentment or misunderstanding on the part of the mother"

Le Leche Leauge Meeting

LLL Evening Series Meeting #1

Come join us for the Rochester Area Evening La Leche League Meeting,

Series Topic focus: Advantages of Breastfeeding
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Zumbro Lutheran Church
624 3rd Ave. SW, Rochester

Directions from Broadway: Parking is available in the front
lot--follow the steps down to the nursery. Or ramp access is
available behind the church from the Soldiers Field Memorial lot and
on 7th St. SW. One of the front doors will be open. Follow signs to meeting room.

Meetings are open to all women interested in breastfeeding.
Babies are always welcome!

Local Leaders

Amanda 398-2688
Aimee 536-3937

Visit La Leche League International on the web.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

2010 Bradley Mom Testimonial

"My original reason to wanting a medication free childbirth was to avoid an epidural which can lead to chronic back pain. Already suffering from chronic back pain I didn't want anything to make it worse. Taking Bradley Method classes opened my eyes to so many other reasons to go through with a natural childbirth. The classes not only gave me information to strengthen my desire for not using medication but they gave me the tools necessary to do so successfully. Thanks to these classes I was able to bring my baby boy into the world the way God intended. I was able to give him the best start possible."

2010 Bradley Dad Testimonial

"I was very comfortable helping my wife labor at home & knowing when to go to the hospital because of what we learned in Bradley classes. Most of our friends warned us (before the birth) that we wouldn't be able to get through labor & birth without medical interventions (drugs or surgery). We did it though, and will encourage others to do the same!"

2010 Bradley Mom Testimonial

" The information & encouragement we gained from our Bradley classes enabled us to have the ideal drug-free birth we wanted in a hospital setting. Our Doctor was surprised at how much we knew about the natural birth process. We were able to labor at home & arrived at the hospital just in time to start pushing. It was exactly what we wanted."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

♥ HAPPY NATIONAL MIDWIVES WEEK!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ If you know a midwife that has touched your life...if you believe that the safe, cost-effective, loving and nurturing care midwives provide is essential for improving health in this country and around the world, please make this your status and hug your midwife!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oxytocin: It's a Mom & Pop Thing

"Corresponding author Dr. Ruth Feldman noted that this finding "emphasizes the importance of providing opportunities for father-infant interactions immediately after childbirth in order to trigger the neuro-hormonal system that underlies bond formation in humans."

Monday, September 27, 2010

New Baby!!!

Congratulations to couple #15 on the birth of your precious baby girl!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Personal Teaching Statistics

Current as of 10-22-2010

Total Births: 14
Avg. Weeks Gest. 40
Number Percent
Spontaneous: 13 92.86%
Augmented: 0 0.00%
Induced 1 7.14%
Doctor 750.00%
LayMidwife 428.57%
LicMidwife 321.43%
None: 12 85.71%
For Labor: 1 7.14%
For Delivery: 1 7.14%

New Baby!!!

Congratulations to couple #14 on the birth of your beautiful baby girl!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Baby!!!

Congratulations to couple #13 on the birth of your beautiful baby girl!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

In defence of the amniotic sac

"Artificial rupture of membranes (ARM) aka ‘breaking the waters’ is a common intervention during birth. However, an ARM should not be carried out without a good understanding of how the amniotic sac and fluid function in labour. Women need to be fully informed of the risks associated this intervention before agreeing to alter their labour in this way."

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Not a "Snip," But 15 Square Inches

"Dr. Taylor's research indicates that after being
circumcised in infancy, the average circumcised man
has lost 51% or more of his penile skin."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cord Clamping

The links in the discussion board post have some excellent study backed information regarding the benefits of delayed cord clamping and the risks of early cord clamping to a newborn baby.

How To Stop Needless Induction of Labor

"(If you spontaneously go into labor at week 37 or 38 the risks to your baby are incredibly low, but being induced at week 37 or 38 increases the risks of interventions, including NICU stays, breathing problems and even surgical births.)"

"The most important thing is to realize that every week of pregnancy counts. Being born prior to spontaneous labor can carry risks, big and small. Your baby's brain undergoes a lot of changes in the last weeks of pregnancy, as does the development of lung tissue. You will also find that babies born after spontaneous labor have higher breastfeeding rates."

"So, if offered an induction, ask why. Use your BRAIN. What are the:
  • Benefits
  • Risks
  • Alternatives
  • Intuition (what's your gut say)
  • Not now, or do nothing"

New Baby!!!

Congratulations to couple #12 on the birth of your baby girl this morning! I can't wait to meet her.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Classes for 2011

I just finished mapping out the class schedule for the first half of 2011! Check under here for the details.

It's a boy!!!

Jericho was born in a hospital with midwives on August 1st 2010, weighing 9 pounds 13 ounces.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Activities to help a fetus into a good starting position before labor

"Relaxation doesn't only mean taking a deep breath. Breathing evenly and deeply is important, however. But for good fetal positioning and labor progress the ligaments, joints and fascia (the membrane surrounding our muscles, organs and bones) need to be relaxed and symmetrical"

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New Baby!!!

Congratulations to couple #11 on the birth of your baby boy on Sunday evening!!!

New Baby!!!

Congratulations to couple #10 on the birth of your baby girl this morning!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sending strong birthing vibes & positive prayers to couple #10 this evening!

New Baby!!!

Congratulations to couple #9 on the birth of their baby boy this morning!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Guidelines for Women With Prior Cesareans

"Many women who have had a cesarean section delivery -- and some who have had two C-sections -- can safely attempt to deliver vaginally, according to updated guidelines on vaginal birth after cesarean, or VBAC, issued by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists."

Managing Back Labor

The most frequently thought cause of this type of extended back pain is due to the baby's position, usually in the occiput posterior position, or OP for short."

"There needs to be a two pronged approach to dealing with the pain of back labor:

* Let the baby to change positions
* Assist the mom with comfort measures
* The good news is that most of the techniques used to rotate a baby into a more favorable position also feel good to the mom."

Myths & Facts About Circumcision

"The following cultural beliefs, or myths, are often used as reasons for circumcision. After each myth, some relevant facts are provided to present a more accurate picture of this procedure. Parents should understand the full implications of circumcision before making this irreversible decision for their child."

Class Schedule & Availablilty

Series #10 is full! Next series starts mid September, is good for late
December - January due dates and will be on Sunday afternoons from

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Women's strongest feelings [in terms of their birthings], positive and negative, focus on the way they were treated by their caregivers." Annie Kennedy & Penny Simkin

Monday, June 21, 2010

Kardashians call to cover up

This is a perfect example of the hypocrisy of our society towards breasts and their purpose, AND the gal in the instructional video at the end is a friend of mine, a hilarious blogger, and a Bradley® teacher as well! :-) ENJOY!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

2nd Annual Bradley® Class Reunion 2010

Here are some pictures of our 2nd annual Bradley® class reunion. We fired up the grill, ate some fabulous food, did some catching up and had a blast watching our Bradley® babies play with each other.

I can't tell you how happy it makes me feel to catch up with the families that have attended my Bradley® classes and get to see their beautiful babies and how they are growing up so incredibly fast. I feel so incredibly honored and humbled that I got to play a small part in how they were brought into the world, with a better beginning.

Only 4 families were able to make it this year. I had a blast with everyone who came, missed everyone that couldn't make it and am already looking forward to next year! :-)

What Dad Needs to Pack for the Hospital Bag

This is a nice basic list of things that Dad might need/want for himself while Mom is in labor. I always stress to my Bradley® Dad's the importance of taking good care of themselves during her labor so that they can better take care of Mom.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chlorhexidine (Hibiclens) Protocol For Labor Among GBS Positive Women

"No matter where you plan to birth, (home, birthing center, hospital) if you elect to test for GBS and the results are positive, you also have options other than automatic antibiotics."

Birth Tubs & Waterbirth

Photos and descriptions of a large variety of birthing tubs and the places they are used.
"There is power that comes to women when they give birth. They don't ask for it, it simply invades them. Accumulates like clouds on the horizon and passes through, carrying the child with it." ~ Sheryl Feldman
"There is power that comes to women when they give birth. They don't ask for it, it simply invades them. Accumulates like clouds on the horizon and passes through, carrying the child with it." ~ Sheryl Feldman

Friday, June 11, 2010

Class Availability

I only have one more spot available for the new class series starting this Sun, the 13th from 2-4 pm. This series is good for September - early October due dates. If you are interested, please contact me as soon as possible and please pass the word along.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Study Finds Dads suffer Postpartum Depression

Excerpt from the article:

"While it's been widely known that some mothers suffer from postpartum depression, a series of studies over the years have suggested that new fathers may become depressed after childbirth, too."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

SE MN Doulas

"If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it." ~ John H. Kennell
, M.D.

Looking for a doula in the SE MN area? Here is a list of several to choose from. :-) Two of them, Jennie Schindle & Jackie Mysak are included in my "Bradley® Supportive Business Owners" listing, located toward the top of the page.

Belly Mapping

Excerpt from article:

"Belly Mapping is a three-step process for identifying baby’s position in the final months of pregnancy. Parents can use Belly Mapping for their own enjoyment. Medical care givers can enhance their skills by using the visual clues of Belly Mapping. Doulas will be able to suggest strategies for fetal repositioning when a posterior lie is suspected."

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Born in the caul

Beautiful pictures of a baby being born with the membrane sac and amniotic fluid still intact.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New Baby!!!

Congratulations to couple #7 on the birth of your 9lb 4oz baby boy, at your home, with a midwife, on Sunday May 2nd 2010!!! I am so proud of all three of you. :-)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"And I took on natural childbirth, which was tough and painful and stressful and one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, and I fing kicked its ass, and it was an incredibly empowering experience. Because what I learned was not that natural childbirth isn’t that hard or painful, but that I was stronger than I had ever had a chance to discover before." Rachel from The Feminist Agenda

Diapering Naturally

Thinking about using cloth diapers? Here is a great resource with VIDEO demonstrations of all sorts of cloth diapering systems and how to use them. Wonderful, wonderful resource!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Local Le Leche League Meeting Information

LLL Evening Meeting # 3

Come join us for the Rochester Area Evening La Leche League Meeting

Series Topic focus: The Art of Breastfeeding and Avoiding Difficulties

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Zumbro Lutheran Church
624 3rd Ave. SW, Rochester

Directions from Broadway: Turn West on 6th St. SW, go past the church
and turn left on 3rd Ave. SW. Parking is available in the front
lot. Enter through doors on the far left. Follow the steps down to the

In the event of INCLEMENT WEATHER, we ask that you follow the
information regarding the Rochester Public school cancellations found
via TV stations, radio or internet. If school is canceled or
dismissed early due to weather, the LLL meeting will be canceled. If
weather moves in after school hours, feel free to listen to the
recorded church announcements at 507-288-2649. If evening church
activities are canceled, LLL meetings are canceled as well.

Meetings are open to all women interested in breastfeeding.
Babies are always welcome!

Local Leaders

Amanda 398-2688
Aimee 536-3937
Kate 288-6617

Visit La Leche League International on the web.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

3 Principles in Pregnancy

Excerpt from the article:

"Using the 3 Principles of Spinning Babies in Pregnancy

Spinning Babies helps prevent common problems from subtle malpositions of the baby's head.

Malposition is a harsh word meaning the head is not coming into the pelvis is the easiest way to mold, or shape, itself to fit. When the head is at a difficult angle, especially when mother’s muscles or pelvic tendons are tight, hours or even days can be added to the length of labor."

101 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Child

Gotta love this one! Lots of good medical citation as well. :-)

Avoiding the first c-section: 5 essential questions to ask your care provider ASAP!

Excerpt from the article:

"It is critical that we look at what can be done to decrease the primary c-section rate (the first cesarean for a woman), because once the first c-section is done, it becomes increasingly difficult for many women to find support for a subsequent vaginal birth."

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Home Birth: “Brave” Has Nothing To Do With It

The writer of this article is very strongly supportive of the safety of home birth, as am I. However please do not let her enthusiasm offend you if you have had a hospital birth or are currently planning one. The biggest thing I want you to take note of is the scientific evidence that she cites in the body of the article.

911 on the risks of formula feeding-and a 411 on the benefits of breast milk

Good stuff! Gotta love Gail Tully's passion and gunction. :-)

Breastfeeding In Public: Are YOU protected?

A state by state map showing the type of breastfeeding laws present in each state. Here is a thorough explanation of the details of the enforcement provisions or the lack thereof.

Sterile Water Injections for Pain Relief

Excerpt from the article:

“In three systematic reviews, the authors concluded that sterile water injections were more effective for labor pain than acupuncture and other complementary methods, such as acupressure, hypnosis and massage” (Martensson, McSwiggin, & Mercer, 2008).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Problems and Hazards of Induction of Labor

Tons of wonderful evidence based information on the risks of induction itself and the drugs used for the induction procedure.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Top 5 Myths About Having a Home Birth

Excerpt from the article:

Whenever I'd tell someone I was having a home birth, their reaction would inevitably fall into one of three buckets:
  1. "YAY! I wish I'd done that." (Or, "I have done that.")
  2. "How? What? Why?" A million questions.
  3. "Are you crazy? What if something bad happens?"

Monday, March 22, 2010

Free Formula Spoils Breastfeeding

Excerpt from the article:

"Almost 40 per cent of new mothers leave the hospital with free infant formula, a recipe for spoiled breastfeeding according to a new Toronto Public Health report.

Women who didn’t receive the free samples were 3.5 times more likely to be breastfeeding exclusively after 2 weeks, said Breastfeeding in Toronto, Promoting Supportive Environments, released Tuesday.

The study, conducted in 2007 and 2008, found that of 1,500 first-time mothers surveyed, 39 per cent were given formula at hospital discharge. As a result, many of these women stopped breastfeeding sooner than those women who weren’t given formula."

Good Little Girls

This one is a MUST read for every woman, especially if you are planning a hospital birth. This rung VERY true for me. We deserve to be treated with compassion and respect and honor and sanctity during our child-birthing experiences and no one is going to hand it to us on a silver platter out of the goodness of their hearts. If we can't/don't stand up for ourselves and our birthing bodies and our un-born/newborn babies, no one else will. Period.

Excerpt from the article:

"So, when it comes time to ask our obstetricians the really important questions, we hold back instead of pressing forward. After all, who wants to be that patient, the “troublemaker?” We wouldn’t want to put him on the spot, make her uncomfortable, or, God forbid, be annoying. Even when the things we are told do not resonate with our sensibilities, with our intellect, and with the very moral fiber of our being, we do not question. We leave the office dissatisfied, with unresolved issues and nagging doubts. But we do not argue. After all, we are good little girls."

10 steps for an easier labor

Excellent, excellent article the briefs 10 things you can do to have an easier labor & birth.

Excerpt from the article:

"2. Seek higher education.
Take a childbirth class, and enroll as early as possible: Not only do classes fill up fast, but some, such as Bradley courses, run 12 weeks, which means you need to start them in your second trimester."

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gentle Embrace Doula Service

This is the website of a doula friend of mine. She has observed my classes so she knows and understands first hand the goals and training of a Bradley® couple. She was the doula for one of my most recent couples and they highly sung her praises and said their birth experience was immensely enhanced by her knowledge and presence.

Here you can find a growing list of local Bradley® supportive business owners, such as doulas.

Resources Just For Dad

Bank teller works with baby on her hip | - Breaking News, Sports, Traffic and Weather - Portland, Oregon | Business

Bank teller works with baby on her hip | - Breaking News, Sports, Traffic and Weather - Portland, Oregon | Business

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Excerpt from the article on things you can do right now to combat post partum depression.

"Just like you prepare for what your baby will need, it can be helpful to prepare yourself. You and your baby will benefit if you look after your own mental health and well-being during pregnancy and after your baby is born."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thought for the day

Women are strong, strong, terribly strong. We don’t know how strong until we’re pushing out our babies.” ~Louise Erdrich, The Blue Jay’s Dance

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Take action to stop pregnancy-related deaths in the U.S

"In a new report on pregnancy and childbirth care in the U.S., Amnesty details the maternal-health care crisis in this country as part of a systemic violation of women's rights."

"According to Amnesty, which gathered data from many sources, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately half of the pregnancy-related deaths in the U.S. are preventable, the result of systemic failures, including barriers to accessing care; inadequate, neglectful or discriminatory care; and overuse of risky interventions like inducing labor and delivering via cesarean section. "Women are not dying from complex, mysterious causes that we don't know how to treat," says Strauss. "Women are dying because it's a fragmented system, and they are not getting the comprehensive services that they need."

"Amnesty is calling on Obama to create an Office of Maternal Health within the Department of Health and Human Services to improve outcomes and reduce disparities, among other recommendations."

Please follow the title link and send a (pre-written) letter to the head of the Department of Health voicing your concern for the pregnant women of our country and show your support of creating an Office of Maternal Health that would be responsible for instituting change in the current maternal-health care crisis. You & I can make a difference together!

Friday, March 12, 2010

NIH Panel: End Bans on Vaginal Birth After C-Section

NIH Panel: End Bans on Vaginal Birth After C-Section

Excerpt from the article;

"While rare, the complications can be severe and even fatal. However, panel member Carol J. Rowland Hogue, PhD, MPH, director of the women's and children's center at Emory University, noted that VBAC isn't the only risk for a pregnant woman.

"Pregnancy is something of a risky endeavor," Hogue said at a news conference. "Women do suffer complications and their babies do have problems. Fortunately these are rare -- but they occur irrespective of mode of delivery. The very rare experience of maternal death is higher for C-section regardless of whether it is primary or repeat. This is very important for providers to weigh."

Panel Urges New Look at Caesarean Guidelines

Excerpt from the article;

“We found the use of VBAC is certainly a safe alternative for the majority of women who’ve had one prior” Caesarean, provided that the incision was horizontal and low on the uterus, said Dr. F. Gary Cunningham, the conference chairman and a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. About 70 percent of women who have had Caesareans are good candidates for trying for a normal birth, and 60 percent to 80 percent of those who try succeed."

Motorist helps deliver baby in car in downtown Rochester

In The Bradley Method® classes we cover emergency childbirth and teach the dad's/coaches exactly what to do and not to do in situations exactly like this one.

The one thing I tell my students about these situations is that if a baby is coming that fast, you can be calm and assured in the fact that there is absolutely nothing wrong. The Mom's body and baby are working beautifully and very efficiently together.

Too Many Women Dying in U.S. While Having Babies

Too Many Women Dying in U.S. While Having Babies

"The report, titled "Deadly Delivery," notes that the likelihood of a woman's dying in childbirth in the U.S. is five times as great as in Greece, four times as great as in Germany and three times as great as in Spain. Every day in the U.S., more than two women die of pregnancy-related causes, with the maternal mortality ratio doubling from 6.6 deaths per 100,000 births in 1987 to 13.3 deaths per 100,000 births in 2006. (And as shocking as these figures are, Amnesty notes that the actual number of maternal deaths in the U.S. may be a lot higher, since there are no federal requirements to report these outcomes and since data collection at the state and local levels needs to be improved.) "In the U.S., we spend more than any country on health care, yet American women are at greater risk of dying from pregnancy-related causes than in 40 other countries," says Nan Strauss, the report's co-author, who spent two years investigating the issue of maternal mortality worldwide. "We thought that was scandalous."

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Is my sling safe? -or- Not all slings are created equal!

Excerpt from the article;

"What makes a safe sling? Any sling should hold your baby the way you would hold him in your arms (back carries excepted, and even those can be done in arms if you're flexible enough). So for example, a ring sling is typically used with the baby in a vertical position against your chest, just like you'd hold him in your arms, or with the baby at a diagonal angle across your body, as you would hold him while breastfeeding or reclining. The same positions are preferred in a wrap, pouch sling, or mei tai. You should always be able to see your baby's head and face, without opening the fabric to do so, and he should always be able to breathe freely and easily, with his neck straight and his head in a neutral position (not curled forward onto his chest). Again, these positions, while they may take practice, are possible with every safe baby carrier."

Women have been wearing their babies since the beginning of time. I wore both my babies, perfectly safely I might add, for the comfort to them and convenience for me factor and there is absolutely no reason why anyone cannot or should not wear their baby as long as they are using the right type of carrier and using it the right way.

Panel Questions “VBAC Bans,” Advocates Expanded Delivery Options for Women

Excellent article explaining what took place as,

"An independent panel convened this week by the National Institutes of Health confronted a troubling fact that pregnant women currently have limited access to clinicians and facilities able and willing to offer a trial of labor after previous cesarean delivery because of so-called VBAC bans."

N.Y. Chef Earns Fans, Critics With Cheese Made From Human Breast Milk

Excerpt from the article;

"We realized we were going to have to throw a lot of it out, pour this liquid gold down the drain, and we were not going to do that," Angerer said. "So, me being a chef, we said, 'Hey, let's make some cheese!'"

I am so glad to hear other people calling it liquid gold. That just makes me smile. A critic said,

"Consumption of breast milk could unknowingly expose consumers to infectious diseases like hepatitis and HIV," Managing Health Editor, Dr. Manny Alvarez wrote in the Fox News Health Blog.

Personally, I don't see any reason why consuming cheese made from milk that comes from a woman would be any more potentially harmful than consuming cheese made from milk that comes from a cow or goat or yak. Sounds to me like this woman has a better diet than most dairy cows anyway. lol

Would I eat it? I might. It would depend I guess on who it was coming from and how adventuresome I was feeling at the time. Risky? Possibly by some stretch of the imagination I suppose, but so is eating blow fish. Yet thrill seekers and culinary enthusiasts continue to seek it out for the adrenaline rush and the bragging rights. Come to think of it, I wouldn't mind at all being counted among those who are able to brag about sampling gourmet breast-milk cheese. Will I ever be in the situation where I could if I wanted? Probably not, but I personally see no reason to think any less of those who have, in fact I applaud their open-minded-ness.

Alternative Birthing Methods - ABC News

Alternative Birthing Methods - ABC News

The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth listed as the first of five alternatives to avoid a C-section.

Thought for the day

"Breastfeeding is an unsentimental metaphor for how love works, in a way. You don't decide how much and how deeply to love - you respond to the beloved, and give with joy exactly as much as they want." ~Marni Jackson

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Making Cytotec (misoprostol) fit their agenda

In this article, Marsden Wagner, a perinatologist, neonatalogist and perinatal epidemiologist from California who is an outspoken supporter of midwifery, showed us that ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) is the only organization out of a list of 10 that, despite its risks to pregnant women and their unborn babies, recommends using Cytotec (misoprostol) for labor inductions.

Here is an excerpt from the FDA’s 2002 statement (PDF):

A major adverse effect of the obstetrical use of Cytotec is hyperstimulation of the uterus which may progress to uterine tetany [uterus contracts and doesn't let go] with marked impairment of uteroplacental blood flow, uterine rupture (requiring surgical repair, hysterectomy, and/or salpingo-oophorectomy [removal of the ovaries and Fallopian tubes]), or amniotic fluid embolism [maternal and infant mortality is very high from this]. Pelvic pain, retained placenta, severe genital bleeding, shock, fetal bradycardia [profound slowing of the fetal heart], and fetal and maternal death have been reported.

There may be an increased risk of uterine tachysystole [contractions coming too fast], uterine rupture, meconium passage, meconium staining of amniotic fluid, and Cesarean delivery due to uterine hyperstimulation with the use of higher doses of Cytotec; including the manufactured 100 mcg tablet. The risk of uterine rupture increases with advancing gestational ages and with prior uterine surgery, including Cesarean delivery. Grand multiparity [usually defined as more than four births] also appears to be a risk factor for uterine rupture.

Dr. Wagner had this to say about the reasoning behind ACOG's outnumbered stand on the continued use of Cytotec for labor inductions;

"How can ACOG possibly be willing to stand alone in opposition to the best scientific opinion in the world? Because so many of ACOG's members already use Cytotec induction off-label for its incredible convenience, the organization needs to support its members by recommending this practice."

Henci Goer , award-winning medical writer, internationally known speaker and the author of The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth., hit the nail on the head when she described it as "a rationale that amounts to “but all the kids are doing it.”"

So then the next question becomes, "why are all the kids doing it?" Why is it that so many obstetricians are using Cytotec for something the drug was not created for and that has the potential to cause SO many serious problems for their pregnant patients, concerning who they swore to first and foremost "do no harm"? I will once again turn to Henci Goer,

"Why, then, are obstetricians so enamored of misoprostol? The answer is summed up by this obstetrician enthusiast:

The best part about it is that you can block-schedule your nurses so that you have enough on hand. . . [I]f we start our inductions at 7 a.m., we know that we’re going to have X number of patients in labor being admitted by 4 p.m. That’s helped our hospital tremendously, . . . [Cytotec is] a great agent. It works very, very efficiently. . . . And it’s ungodly inexpensive: 27 cents per tablet.

In other words, Cytotec’s real benefits are convenience for obstetricians and helping the hospital’s bottom line. For women and babies, though, it’s a roll of the dice. Most times things go fine, but sometimes the dice come up snake eyes."

So, I guess the real question comes down to this. Are you willing to let a doctor, who very well could be more concerned with his bottom line than the ultimate health and safety of you and your unborn baby, roll the Cytotec dice for you? Are you feeling lucky?

Cytotec Induction and Off-Label Use

This article is a little bit long, but contains some excellent information and explanations of why the "off-label" use of Cytotec is so incredibly dangerous, yet continues to be so lightly used during pregnancy.

Excerpt from the article;

"Without adequate testing of Cytotec (misoprostol) for labor induction, obstetricians simply began to use it on their birthing women. They were taking advantage of a huge loophole in our drug regulatory system. Once a drug is approved by the FDA for a specific medical indication and put on the market, there is absolutely nothing to prevent any doctor from using that drug for any indication, in any dose, for any patient he or she chooses. Since the label of the drug contains the indications approved by the FDA, this is called "off-label" use of a drug."

Monday, March 8, 2010

Why Is VBAC a Vital Option?

Excerpt from the article;

"Unless the restrictions for permitting VBAC labor are revised, I believe we will gradually see the few remaining physicians who offer VBAC cease to offer this option; not because they don’t care, but because hospitals, insurance providers, and ACOG guidelines are making it too stressful, both financially and personally, for VBAC-friendly providers."

I am really not sure what the average obstetric consumer can do to affect any changes in these areas other than #1 do everything you can to avoid that first c-section in the first place so that you are not faced later on with all these VBAC hindrances or #2 if you are faced with a VBAC situation, find an excelent home birth midwife with lots of VBAC experience.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lessons at Indian Hospital About Births

Excerpt from article;

#1 "Doctors and midwives here earn salaries and are not paid by the procedure, so they have no financial incentive to perform surgery."

#2 "The hospital and doctors are federally insured against malpractice, in contrast to other hospitals, where private insurers have threatened to raise premiums or withdraw coverage if vaginal birth after Caesarean is allowed."

#3 "Couples often want more than two children, but repeated Caesareans increase the risk of each pregnancy, so doctors and patients are motivated to avoid the surgery."

I think it would make our heads spin at how fast and far the cesarean rate in our country would drop if just these three changes were implimented in our maternity care system and that is not even considering the difference that cutting out unnecessary inductions would make on those numbers.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Home Births Rise, Mostly By Choice

Excerpt from the article;

"The American Public Health Association, the World Health Organization, and, as you might expect, the American College of Nurse Midwives, all support home and out-of-hospital births for low-risk women."

"Some of the states with big increase: Alabama, California, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

CDC Report: Demand for Out-of-Hospital Midwife Births Sharply Increases Research Debunks Physician Group Claims that Actress Ricki Lake is Responsible

Excerpt from the PDF file;

“The idea that American women choose out-of-hospital delivery because a celebrity had her baby at home or because they value the birth ...‘experience’ over the health of their babies is not only insulting, but it reveals an appalling lack of awareness on the part of ACOG and the AMA about the economic pressures influencing the health care decisions that people are making,”

Questions about Home Birth

Excerpt from the article;

There are many questions that people want to know about home birth as it actually plays out rather than the mere philosophy of the setting of birth. This will be an attempt the answer some of those questions.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

“Birth Management” Often Leads to Unnecessary Interventions | Induction

Excerpt from article,

75% of all induced labors are not for medical reasons, and research has proven that there are higher cesarean section rates for induced patients.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Thought for the day

Just as a woman's heart knows how and when to pump, her lungs to inhale, and her hand to pull back from fire, so she knows when and how to give birth. -Virginia Di Orio

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wesley Roy Neher 2009

1 year ago today, I gave birth to my own second Bradley® baby. So, in honor of his first birth day here are some pictures of that event and here is his birth story.

Wesley Roy Neher 2009

Wesley’s Birth Story

I lost my mucus plug on Sun Feb 22nd 2009. On Mon Feb 23rd I got up to go pee at 1 am and when I got back in to bed I noticed light contractions. I tried to go back to sleep but I was a little to excited. Around 2 am I decided to time them and for the next hour they were 10 min apart, lasting 30seconds.

I got up @ 3am to get a snack and the contractions became stronger while I was up and around. I called our midwife, just to let her know what was going on. I went back to bed for a while and then I got up again at 5am for another snack, and again the contractions were stronger while I was up and around.

As I was getting my second snack, my hubby came down to check on me and after another hour we decide that he shouldn’t go to work. So, he called them to let them know we were in labor.

I tried to get back into bed, but have a very strong contraction while climbing onto the bed and decide to stand by the bed instead. I would sit down in between contractions and stand and sway during them.

The contractions were getting strong enough that I was having trouble keeping track of their timing, so I asked Matt to do it for me. They were now 6-7 min apart, lasting 60 seconds. As we were contemplating when we should call the midwife, who was 45 min away, to come, I had a fairly strong contraction and at it’s peak my instincts said “Nickie needs to be here NOW!”

As I was talking to the midwife on the phone, asking her to head our way, I had a contraction and tossed the phone at Matt so I could concentrate on relaxing. Matt was a little flustered as he tried to gain control of the phone that had just been chucked at him. He finished the conversation with her.

With the midwife on the way, Matt went down stairs to wash dishes and vacuum the floor in preparation. This baby was coming 2 weeks before we were expecting it to and we were not entirely ready.

When the midwife got there @ 7am, she came upstairs to our bedroom and checked my vitals and listened to the baby’s heartbeat. We were both doing fine. Then she began working on setting up the birth tub right away.

I felt like I was needing a little bit of help with contractions but Matt was busy getting things ready, so we decided to try the TENS unit that I had bought for this labor. It delivered electrical impulses to my low back in between contractions and then I could push a button to boost the strength, during contractions. I felt like it was helpful.

@ around 7:30 am I decided to labor in the bathroom. My water had not broken yet and I was nervous about it doing so all over the carpet. I could relax more deeply standing on the bathroom floor instead of carpet. I would sit on the toilet in between contractions and stand and sway during them.

I was trying to vocalize softly because my 2 ½ yr old daughter was still asleep in the next room, but I was starting to find it difficult to do. She woke up at 8 am. Matt called his parents to come and get her. He fed her breakfast and she came in the bathroom to kiss me goodbye before she left.

I came downstairs shortly after she left b/c everyone was down here getting things ready and I didn’t want to be alone anymore. I labored upright in the dining room for a while, then kneeling in front of the couch, resting on the birth ball for a while.

The contractions were getting much stronger, but I was still hungry. I remember feeling frustrated that I was still wanting food, b/c I wanted my labor to be further along than that.

I ended up laboring in the downstairs bathroom and this time I stayed on the toilet during the contractions. I could lean back and totally relax in between them and that was very nice. Matt would read on a chair just outside the bathroom door in between contractions then put his book down and hold my hands during them.

I was getting tired and really thought the baby would have been here already. I asked the midwife when we should start wondering if there was a position problem (the case with my daughter and a LONG labor). It was 11 am and she offered to tell me how to check my dilation, but I didn’t want to know in case it would only be more frustrating. So, she suggested that I get up and walk and spread my legs very wide and sway during contractions. So, I walked from the bathroom door to the kitchen sink (about 6-8 steps) and back again. Have a contraction and repeat. My contractions were about 2 min apart, lasting 60-90 seconds.

Fairly soon I quit walking b/c the contractions were even closer together. I would dangle from Matt’s neck, spread my legs very wide and sway side to side as far as I could during contractions. At one point as I was dangling and swaying I actually felt my pelvis expand and so did the midwife’s assistant who was holding a hot water bottle on my low back during contractions. The midwife said, “one of these contractions we are all gonna get wet!” We all laughed.

She wanted to check the baby’s heart rate one more time before I got in the tub that was finally ready. It confirmed that the baby as fine and indeed very low in the birth canal. She said, “You’re gonna get to meet your baby very soon.” and I began to cry tears of happiness.

It was heaven to get into the water and after about 4-5 contractions I started wanting to push. As, I started working on pushing I became very, very hot (so was Matt who was sitting against the tub heater) and a cool washcloth on my forehead was not enough. So, we decide to stand up, so we could cool off a bit. Matt stood up first and as I took his hands for assistance, I looked up @ his face and he had gone completely white. I thought, “He is either gonna pass out, or puke in my face.” The midwife & her assistant began helping him get out of the tub, sit in the floor with his head between his legs and get him something to drink.

In the meantime, I started freaking out because I am pushing out a baby and I just lost my support person. The midwife got down on her knees, took my hands and said, “Stephanie, look @ me. You can do this. Now just breathe.” That was what I needed and I was able to focus back into my body and pushing my baby out.

I don’t remember exactly when Matt got back in the tub, but he was there supporting my perineum from behind as I pushed. As I began to feel the head crowning I thought “Now this is the part where I would like some pain medication.”  The water broke at the peak of the next contracting. I remember saying “I need a break! I need a break!” as the next contraction started. As I pushed with the next contraction, I wanted to be done so badly, I didn’t care if I tore or not and I pushed with everything I had in me & the head was born.

After I pushed the head out I remember saying, “Oh thank God! That’s the hardest part right?”  I reached down and touched the head covered in a lot of hair and had a surge of energy to finish this so I could hold my baby.

The next contraction, I could feel that the shoulders were stuck on my pubic bone. So, as I was kneeling in the water I spread my legs out as wide as they would go, pushed with all my might and I felt the rest of my baby slide out of me. I remember thinking, “Where is the end to this kid?”

The midwife had been standing by, waiting to help me deliver the head b/c she didn’t even realize that I already had and was working on the body instead.  So, my husband and I really and truly got to deliver our second child.

As I pulled my baby out of the water and up to my chest, I said. “That looks like a big baby.” The midwife responded with, “That IS a big baby.” We were thrilled to see that we had a son.

My placenta delivered as soon as I stood up out of the tub. As I stood up I had to say, “Grab a bowl, here it comes.”

He cried for about 20 min after being born and then settled in for a good nursing. We got to be together with our new baby about 1 hour. Then when the midwife did her newborn check, we were all blown away that we weighed in at 10 pound 4 ounces & 22” long.

My labor was 12 hours in length and I pushed for about 30 minutes and gave birth, without tearing, to a very big, very healthy boy, on Feb 23rd 2009 @ 1 pm, with the afternoon sun streaming through the windows on us and our new son, Wesley Roy Neher. Here are some pictures of that day.

Kourtney Kardashian, Participating in her birth

Hooray for another high profile celebrity choosing to birth vaginally instead of opting for the ever popular hollywood-c-section-tummy-tuck combo!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Hadassah Grace, 2009

This is the 4th couple that I have had the pleasure of teaching The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth, Becky, Brandon and their 6lb 14oz, 19 1/2" long baby girl, born at home, on Sept 22nd 2009, Hadassah Grace. Here is her birth story.